Package dk.itu.haas.GPS

Interface Summary
IDate This interface is implemented by all packets capable of returning a date.
IGPSlistener This interface is used to receive notification each time the GPS transmits one of the common data, ie. position, time and date.
IPosition This interface is implemented by all packets capable of returning a position.
ITime This interface is implemented by all packets capable of returning the time of day.
ITransferListener The methods in this interface are used whenever the GPS should transfer a series of data.

Class Summary
GPS This is the abstract base-class that encapsulates the functionality of a generic GPS-unit.
Position This is a class meant for containing positions.
PositionDegrees Class used to store degrees, usually latitude or longitude.
PositionRadians Class used to store radians, usually latitude or longitude.

Exception Summary
FeatureNotSupportedException Thrown by methods in classes extending the GPS-class, if the implemented GPS-unit does not support the feature requested in the method.